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So far Thalie McDonogh has created 11 blog entries.

Business Owners Make 2017 your safest Year with Roller Shutters – Infographic

By |2023-05-18T11:40:30+10:00Wednesday, May 31, 2017|Shutters|

Ensure your Business, car park and commercial premises are protected this year.  Make 2017 the year you invest in a functional roller door. Learn about the NSW recent stats where it states that 74%Learn about the NSW recent stats where it states that 74% of property damage occurs between 3 pm and 3 am which is mostly [...]

Signs Your Industrial Door Might Need Repairing

By |2023-02-24T17:32:33+11:00Wednesday, May 24, 2017|Shutters|

Industrial doors experience a lot of mechanical stress. Because they operate almost constantly, minor problems can become major expenses if they’re not fixed quickly. More importantly, damaged industrial roller doors can become unsafe. To prevent all manner of issues with your doors, watch out for signs of trouble and act fast by arranging repairs and [...]

Choosing the Best Industrial Roller Doors for your factory or carpark

By |2023-02-24T17:32:53+11:00Thursday, March 23, 2017|Roller Doors|

Your choice of industrial doors affects every aspect of your onsite operations. The main points to consider aren’t always obvious and they can be unnecessarily expensive if you don’t pick the right type of roller shutter doors. Think about performance, compliance, OH&S, risk management, protection, and operation when you go shopping for a roller door. [...]

Roller Shutters – Safe Usage for Commercial and Industrial Premises

By |2017-02-02T22:04:56+11:00Thursday, February 2, 2017|Roller Doors|

  Roller shutters are the most important access points for most commercial and industrial premises. They’re constantly in use and they’re essential for avoiding downtime. It’s important that everyone in the workplace knows the safety issues surrounding roller shutters and how to operate them safely.   When it comes to roller shutter safety, here are [...]

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Christmas & New Years break 2016-17

By |2017-02-22T08:23:11+11:00Wednesday, December 7, 2016|Company News|

Our office will be closed from 11:30am, Friday 16th December 2016 for our Annual Christmas Party, and will re-open as normal Monday 19th December at 7:30am. Our Christmas closure begins Friday 23rd December 2016 at 4.00pm, and we will re-open in the New Year on Monday 9th January 2017 from 7:30am. Aside from Mon [...]

Christmas Break 2015-16

By |2015-12-09T17:10:57+11:00Wednesday, December 9, 2015|Shutters|

Our office will be closing on Wednesday, 23rd December, 2015 at 4.30pm, and re-open at 7.30am on Monday, 4th January, 2016. Our Service Department will be working through the break apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day, and a skeleton factory staff will be able to provide urgent parts if required. As [...]

Australian National Construction Review Magazine Feature

By |2017-02-21T16:38:46+11:00Monday, August 3, 2015|Company News|

Thompson's have featured in the Australian National Construction Review Magazine (N03, 2015). We were one of the key contractors involved in the Melbourne Markets by Hansen Yuncken project that saw Melbourne's iconic wholesale fruit, veggie and flower market moved from West Melbourne to its new site in Epping, Victoria. Melbourne Markets was Thompson's first major [...]

Melbourne Markets installation begins!

By |2017-02-21T16:38:46+11:00Friday, January 16, 2015|Shutters|

This week saw the send off of the first batch of roller shutters for installation at the Melbourne Markets project.  This Hansen Yuncken development is one of Melbourne's largest relocation projects that sees it move approximately 24km's from its former location in Richmond to Epping, Victoria.  It included 23 out of the total 130 roller [...]

Launch of the Sectional Overhead Door

By |2014-10-30T21:22:31+11:00Thursday, August 28, 2014|Company News, New Products, Shutters|

After stringent efforts by our engineers, Thompson’s are pleased to announce that we are now manufacturing Sectional Overhead Doors. This product is ideal for areas with limited head room, and where noise restrictions are an issue. As with all Thompson’s products, our Sectional Overhead Doors are able to be custom designed to fit any application [...]

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Westfield Miranda

By |2014-10-30T21:12:57+11:00Wednesday, June 25, 2014|Shutters|

Pending the opening of the newly renovated Westfield Miranda, Thompson’s have designed, manufactured and installed one of our largest roller shutters to date. The roller shutter is located in the loading dock for the newly renovated Woolworths, and is an impressive 15.7m wide x 6.7m high. Due to the size and location of the door, [...]

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